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Six Tips For Planning Fun Party Games For Children

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Six Tips For Planning Fun Party Games For Children

Party Games For Children

In the last month, I attended two birthday parties for young girls. Although each party was quite different, they both included a lot of fun party games. Later I stopped to consider the question, "What should you consider when planning a party game for children?"

You should start thinking about the children who will join the party. for example:

(A) What is their age limit? Although some games appeal to a variety of ages, others are better suited to a particular age group. Younger children really love "Duck, Duck, Goose" as they sit on the ground and jump to run around, but teenagers with long legs may find it very strange. On the other hand, "balloon volleyball" may require coordination and skill that is difficult for young children, while teenagers love the boisterous nature of the game.

(B) What is the mixture of boys and girls? As a general rule (and there are exceptions), boys tend to like more active games than girls. Try to choose the types of fun party games your guests like.

(C) Do the children have any physical or other disability that may prevent them from participating in certain types of sports? Include games where everyone can participate, at least some of the time.

Six Tips For Planning Fun Party Games For Children

You will also need to consider the location you have to play the game. In Australia, we can play outdoor games at any time of the year, but in other countries, you may need to plan more indoor games. How many rooms are required in each game? Is there enough room indoors or in the back yard? Can active sports damage decor or delicate furniture? Is there an alternative place to play party games? If you live in the inner city, can you play outdoor games in a nearby park?

Provide a mix of cool and active games. For example, "Musical Newspaper" is an active game based on "musical chairs" that can be played indoors or outdoors. "Pin the Tail on the Dawn" is a cool play. You can also include musical games like "Pass the Parcel". However, try to avoid moving from one area to another. Start with cool indoor games and then move outward for more active games.

Another tip is to prepare a box for the game with all things, such as newspapers, balls, and a CD/cassette player. Tools for "Pin the Tale on Donut" and "Pass the Parcel" should be included, along with a list of games and quick instructions to remind you about each game.

Consider having a friend or running someone else's game, especially if you are busy with other party details. An adult or older child who is enthusiastic but yet sensitive will make a great game leader. Young children, in particular, can get bored quickly, so the leader may need to change the game, even if some children want to continue playing (especially if they are winning). A good leader will be willing to give up a game that is not working well, and will always be able to encourage a child to join it, with sensitivity. Most children like sports. The leader must use enthusiasm so that they can fully enjoy themselves.

Finally, try to plan more fun party games than you need. It may be necessary to abandon some of your planned games or you may need to add more games if meals are not ready on time, for example. Allow approximately five minutes per game and then add five or more additional games. If you find that you have been out of the game for any reason, the race is easy to organize and can be run indoors or out. Just set two start and finish lines. Children can run forward, backward, or sideways. They can skip, hop or jump, or cross their arms or hold their knees with their knees. They can attach arms (side-by-side, or backward) or hold hands with a partner. Then they can crawl, leap, and so on. After that, you can start again with Riley!

To summarize the main points, select the games that will be suitable for both the children who will participate and the area available to you. Look for different types of fun party games with planned games for different reasons that you need. Find a resource that has a lot to do to ease your planning in children's party games, and don't forget to enjoy yourself. Enthusiasm is contagious!

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