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Your Child Loves Pets At Home - My Pet Is My Child

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Your Child Loves Pets At Home - My Pet Is My Child

If your child loves animals, you may have more than one pet at home. If your child really loves animals, then you probably have part of the stray animals that are making their way into your home. It may be that you have had many stray animals, so how do you say "no" to stray animals that bring their children home?


Chances are that you already have at least one pet if nothing else. If your child has always said "yes" when bringing things home, it can be difficult to say "no" now. Here are some ideas that will help you say no and mean it.


When a stray animal comes to your home, start by setting some rules for it:


Your Child Loves Pets At Home - My Pet Is My Child

1. Always handle an unfamiliar animal carefully. If they are scared or hurt they can bite. Call the local animal control people and come to get it.


2. All stray animals should be kept out until a decision is made about them. You have no idea if the animal is wild or if it has strayed from the house.


3. Every effort will be made to find the original home of the stray animal. Check the license or ID tag with a telephone number on it. If a tag is not clear, you will need to check its body. They may have a tattoo inside the ear, on the gums, or on the inner skin of the hind legs.


Your Child Loves Pets At Home - My Pet Is My Child

4. It would be best to turn the animal to a local shelter. The owner may be looking for it.


5. If you decide to keep the animal at home, give passengers a picture of the animal and a description of the place around the city. Keep contact information on the flyer so that owners can retrieve their pets.


If no one claims the animal, you can take it to a shelter or keep it. Your child will most likely ask to be kept, even more so if they cannot find a boss. now what?


Do not decide immediately. Tell your child that you will have to discuss this with your spouse before making a decision. Take time to discuss the possibilities of adding a new "member" to the family. Who will take care of it? Where will you sleep? After this, who will give cleanliness? Can you really buy another animal?


Your Child Loves Pets At Home - My Pet Is My Child

Suggest to your child that if they want to keep this animal, they will have to let one of the other pets go. While this may sound harsh, it seriously pets your child and whether they want to see it. If they agree to give it to another pet, you may have to take it a step further.


Next, ask them if they would be prepared for vet bills and food for the animal. If they are going to have to spend something personally when the animal happens, they can decide that they do not want to keep it. However, you may be surprised.


Parents do not like to tell their child "no", but sometimes it is necessary. In this case you are actually saying "no" to your child, but not to the animal. After you tell them they can't keep the animal, stick to their guns and don't go back to your decision.

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