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Tips For a Beach Party Theme Celebration For Kids and Adults

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Perhaps one of the best aspects of partying with a beach party theme is that both adults and children love to play games at the party. When you use the right beach party theme ideas, you can effectively bridge any generational gap. You will hear a lot of laughter from your guests when they are playing the game as you planned.

Tips For a Beach Party Theme Celebration For Kids and Adults

Games in a beach-themed party can be divided into two parts; Ground sports and water sports. When you coordinate and combine these sports effectively, everyone will have a great time both on land and in the water.

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Beach Party Ideas - That Rock - Party Ideas

Beach party theme game to play on land

Almost every beach party-themed party will be hosted near the water, with guests getting at least a little wet for the ocean spray. However, many sports are played on the beach rather than on the water. You can plan to play some traditional beach sports such as Frisbee or volleyball, and play something less traditional, such as coconut bowling. When hosting a game of beach volleyball, make sure your guests are warm, prevent injuries, and drink plenty of water. Make sure you remind all participants that soft sand can affect their ability to steer and hit the ball.

Tips For a Beach Party Theme Celebration For Kids and Adults

One game that is always fun at beach party theme celebrations is a Frisbee contest. Team up with two people on each team. Make sure each child on the team is accompanied by an adult. The idea of ​​the game is to score as many points as possible by knocking over plastic bottles filled with sand within a given time frame. You can use the same sand-filled bottles to play coconut bowling. Bottles will serve as pins and coconut is used as a bowling ball. This is one of those beach party theme ideas that you will be happy to incorporate. Your guests will love it.

Every beach party-themed celebration should include some relay games played on land. You can play a simple relay race, Poop the Potato, or the super fun Turtle Relay. For the Turtle Relay, players use only their chin to push the egg across the beach and into a hole.

Beach Party Theme Game To Play On Water

Tips For a Beach Party Theme Celebration For Kids and Adults

Players participating in water sports will get wet while playing the game. Many of the land-based beach party theme ideas can be modified to play on the water. Some good examples of water games are:

1. Use the bottle to run a modified version of the relay race. Players pass the bottle from one player to another in line. The first person to reach the finish line on the edge is the winner. Children can be included in the game, but they must be the last in line so that their delicate bodies do not tire.

Tips For a Beach Party Theme Celebration For Kids and Adults

2. Every beach party-themed festival should include some sort of water balloon contest. Players must fill empty balloons with water and store them at a specific location on the ground. The team that scores the most water balloons on the ground wins the game.

Tips For a Beach Party Theme Celebration For Kids and Adults

One thing you need to consider when looking for beach party theme ideas is the prizes that will be awarded. You want to give prizes that everyone enjoys. You might consider giving children small toys or candy and adults with sunglasses or sunscreen. If you want to give some naughty prizes to the adults at the party, make sure they are hidden from the little ones. By using these tips, you're sure to have a celebration with a beach party theme that all your guests will enjoy.

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