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Office Christmas Party - The Holiday Drag

Office Christmas Party, The office Christmas party is often a big holiday bore. In an event, most employees feel obligated to participate but few
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The office Christmas party is often a big holiday bore. In an event, most employees feel obligated to participate but few enjoy it. It's time to break the crappy festive cycle! With a little creativity and imagination, your office Christmas party can be an event that company employees look forward to every year.

Office Christmas Party - The Holiday Drag

Let's start with some new planning ideas. A shared party is a great option if your company is a small to medium-sized operation. Like-minded or complimentary companies share venue and expenses. A shared Christmas party will inject that "new and different" element into your relationship. Guests will meet new people, and build professional relationships; Companies will share in the expenses, making it a "beneficial event for all." Shared parties can be organized by party planning agencies that have experience knowing what types of companies mix well. If your company party is being planned in-house, another option for holding a shared party is to work closely with vendors or customers that members of your company attend regularly.

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101 Unique Christmas Tips - Party Ideas

Themes can go a long way to set the mood for party fun. The right theme is fun but the wrong theme can be a party killer! Your party theme should fit the profile of your company and employees. Are most of your employees in their 20s and 30s? The party atmosphere with an emphasis on music, dancing, and drinking fits the bill. If most of the people in your company are in their 30s and 40s or older, a celebration focused on a good dining experience followed by light music and dancing is a good option. Maybe your staff is too family-friendly? An event that involves children with family-type games and activities would be a good choice. Consider two smaller types of celebrations -- breakfast with Santa for families and an evening of music and dancing for everyone.

Christmas parties don't have to stick to a holiday-type theme. Getting a little creative with different themes can make for a good night out. There are many great party themes that will set a fun and festive party mood without the old worn-out red and green decor. Some super theme ideas are:

Office Christmas Party - The Holiday Drag

Rio Carnival

Las Vegas Casino

Futuristic Fantasy

20s speakeasy

murder mystery

The 60s, 70s or 80s

scavenger hunt

indoor sports party

talent show

Office Christmas Party - The Holiday Drag

There are hundreds of great party ideas with activities and events that perfectly follow the theme to start the party and keep it going until the last call. Professional party planners can help you choose great party theme refreshments, and events for the celebration.

Another option to ensure the success of an office Christmas party is to let your employees choose their party. Giving party options for your staff members to vote on is a great way to increase attendance and guarantee a great time. Take a poll with party choices and let your employees vote for the type of party preferred by the majority.

Whatever the theme and location are chosen, there are many activities that can add to the fun of the party. A roaming photographer can put guest photos with funny sayings in a presentation that goes on throughout the party. Activities, games, and competitions always add to the fun of the party. Management may volunteer childhood photos for the party guest to help guess who. Door prizes with a great prize are a good way to maintain an air of excitement as guests wait to see who wins the big prize.

If your office Christmas party is a more intimate affair there are many fun group games to keep the party interesting. Games are an important part of any party celebration. Try some of these holiday games:

Christmas Gift Swap Have each guest bring a wrapped Christmas gift to the exchange. Players will then draw a number from each cap. Whoever goes first has to choose and open one of the gifts. Player number 2 will have the option to "steal" that gift or to choose and open another gift. As the play progresses, the player with the higher number will be able to choose between any open gifts or new gifts. This game is great fun!

Office Christmas Party - The Holiday Drag

Make a list of clues for Christmas-themed objects hidden around the Christmas Scavenger Hunt party area. Guests must first solve the clue and then search for the item. This is a great game for teams or departments looking for light competition.

Christmas Carol Game Have players sit in a circle and have the first person begin by singing the first line of a popular Christmas song or carol. The game continues until one player knows the next line of the song. That person is then "out" and players can start over with a new song. Song lyrics are available for players to mention whether there is any question on the correct words to sing.

Whether your office Christmas party is a big lavish affair or a small intimate celebration; A little creativity, planning, and imagination will make this an event that everyone is eager to attend.

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