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Christmas Party Ideas For Boys

Christmas Party, The presence of a jolly old Santa Claus is a must for any Christmas party for kids.
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Planning a Christmas party for the boys

Make it one they will really love. The games and activities you organize can be the difference between a boring party and one that they will talk about enthusiastically for weeks to come.

Christmas Party Ideas For Boys

Yes, food is a must. But so is entertainment. The presence of a jolly old Santa Claus is a must for any Christmas party for kids. Get a willing man to dress up as Santa Claus in a red suit, white beard, and belly pad for the occasion.

Prepare a big sack of presents for Santa to give to the kids as he makes his grand entrance. If possible, download these photos to a PC and make photos into calendars or other souvenirs for guests to take home after the party.

Why stick to just Santa? Get the full supporting cast with Santarina (a pretty woman dressed in a short, female Santa costume). Get a pair of discordant elves to accompany them to Comic Relief. These characters are vital to the plot at this Christmas party.

After giving presents to all the guests and taking pictures with everyone, Santa suddenly learns that he has lost his magical treasure. He takes a photo of it and shows it to all the kids. Then there is the treasure hunt. Children split into 4 search teams to find that box. The team that finds the box wins. Santa used to take out the prizes for the winners from his sack.

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Christmas Party Celebrations Fun and Festive - Best Christmas Party Ever

After the kids settled in with the prizes and all the guests had time to help themselves to the party food, Santrina burst into the room shouting, 'We're under attack!'. The boys are taken outside where a large bucket full of water is waiting for them. Older people in Halloween costumes come up to them, making scary noises. The boys drive away from the intruders with water bombs. After the intruders are driven away, everyone celebrates with log cakes. Note, if it is snowing, or the ground is covered with snow, do a snowball fight instead. If the weather is too cold for a water fight outside, give the boys a lightsaber or ping pong balls as weapons.

Let the children eat hot drinks and sweets near the fireplace. If you have time for another game, make it a Christmas Party version of sardines.

Tell the elves to toe across the room, frightened and whispering to each other. Then they ask the children to gather around them to see what they have seen. 'Too many invaders. We must hide while Santa leads his army against the new invaders. We want you to follow us. Hide with us until the coast clears' or something along that line.

Simultaneously the elves leave the room. Santarina stops them from leaving as she hands each boy the supplies they need. A chocolate bar for energy and a bottle of water or bottled drink when you're thirsty. Santa delays them further by handing them a light stick to light the way.

By then it should be dark. Turn off all the lights and let the kids find their way using their light sticks.

Every child who finds the elves hides with them. 

After the last child finds the elves, the game ends. Santa and Santarina emerged victorious as they entered the room.

Children are given photo souvenirs and taken to their waiting parents.

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