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Beauty and the Beast Birthday Party Ideas

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With Beauty and the Beast being the most loved Disney movie, incorporating this theme into your child's birthday party will be as memorable as the story itself. There are tons of fun decorating tips and game ideas you can use, as well as create magical moments with these Beauty and the Beast birthday party ideas.

Beauty and the Beast Birthday Party Ideas

A puppet show

Every kid loves puppets so why not make your own Beauty and the Beast puppets? Potts, Chip, and the list go on! Select a few characters and a line that the character spoke in the movie and write them down for each character on a separate piece of paper. Fold them and keep them in a vessel or box. Depending on how many children will be attending, you can do this in groups or individually. Ask them to choose from a bowl or box which character they should make. 

Gather some art supplies and small brown paper bags, and let them create the character they were assigned. Once everything is in place, the crowd will need to guess the character created by the puppet and the line to be heard by the child. Don't forget markers, crayons, colored pencils, and any other art supplies that can help them create their own character.

Food fight

Everyone remembers the memorable scene where spoons are dancing, characters are singing, salt is being sprinkled, cakes are dancing and all the chaos is going on! This activity may not be for everyone, but it will definitely make a good time even better. If you're having an outdoor birthday party, divide up the groups, and have them sit at two separate tables. Buy 2 Beauty and the Beast dolls, a Belle and a Beast, and place them in boxes, one on each table. 

Make some fun, soft, cheap foods like Jello Squares and have each team hit the dolls targeting the opposing teams. Play the song "Be Our Guest" and once the song is over, whichever doll is the most covered in Jello wins! Be sure to set rules so that definitely no one gets hurt!

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Build a castle

You can even make the party scene look like a castle to really capture the mood of Beauty and the Beast. Do this by adding yellow streams, a red rose in a vase where the birthday girl will sit, and, you can place large red bows on the backs of the chairs. Don't forget to decorate the curtains, light up the room with battery-operated candles, a red walkway in the room, and of course, palace decorations to resemble castle walls. These are cheap, made of plastic, easy to apply, and easily removable.

These are just a few party ideas that will bring a memorable Beauty and the Beast birthday party! Puppet shows, food fights, birthdays, within the castle walls! What could be more fun?

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