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No More TV Tears For Florida Truck Accident Lawyers

Florida Truck Accident Lawyers, A major category within these types of personal injury claims comes from accidents involving commercial trucks. Florid
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No More TV Tears For Florida Truck Accident Lawyers

The Florida Bar is cracking down on scores of personal injury lawyers using unethical practices to advertise their services through dramatic "testimonials" from personal injury victims. The Florida Bar prohibits the use of these types of emotional-based testimonials and even considers any customer received through this type of promotion a violation of their ethical code.

While the use of this type of advertising has not been limited to Florida attorneys in the past, the Florida Bar is leading the way in protecting its citizens from this type of "ambulance chase." The trauma associated with motor vehicle injuries makes these types of clients particularly vulnerable to these types of emotional appeals.

Florida Truck Accident Lawyer - The Pendas Law Firm

A major category within these types of personal injury claims comes from accidents involving commercial trucks. Florida truck accident lawyers know the trauma that truck accidents can inflict on the families, friends, and loved ones of victims of these types of incidents. Truck accidents present a unique set of challenges and complications that are not present in most other types of vehicle accidents. Therefore, it is important that you work with an attorney who has experience in handling these types of cases.

While many trucking accidents happen at high speed on the highway, even low-speed trucking accidents can have disastrous consequences. Because of their size and weight, the consequences of a truck accident are generally much more damaging than those involving smaller vehicles. A large commercial truck can weigh over 80,000 pounds and go up to 75 feet in length. Accidents involving trucks cause more serious injuries and deaths than any other type of motor vehicle collision.

Florida truck accident lawyers know the trauma that truck accidents

Twelve percent of all motor vehicle accidents in the United States are caused by truck accidents. Accidents involving tractor-trailer trucks are especially in danger. Eighty-eight percent of truck-related deaths are the passenger or driver of another vehicle, as opposed to those in the truck. According to a 2006 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration report, there are approximately 141,000 accidents involving trucks each year. The report also states that more than 50% of these accidents are directly caused by truck drivers.

The decision to enlist a Florida truck accident lawyer's legal services should be based on the lawyer's reputation and experience, not the emotional-based appeal of a 'testimonial' ad. It is important that the attorney or firm you choose to represent your case is familiar and experienced in dealing with the unique complications involved in truck accidents.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation requires trucking companies to keep a variety of documents or items after an accident involving one of their trucks. As a result, most trucking companies often have a company representative or investigator at the crash site within hours, sometimes even while the vehicles involved are still at the accident site and possibly even before law enforcement officers arrive at the accident site. . , Thus, it is very important for the victim of a truck accident to contact a qualified lawyer immediately after an accident involving a tractor-trailer or any other type of commercial motor vehicle. If you are a Florida resident or if the accident occurred in the state of Florida, a qualified Florida truck accident lawyer will be able to provide you with the legal guidance you need to protect your rights as a victim.

As our highways become more and more congested, the number of serious truck accidents is almost certain to increase. In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one is involved in an accident involving a tractor-trailer or commercial motor vehicle in the state of Florida, it is highly recommended that you contact a reputable truck-accident attorney in Florida immediately.

Florida is leading the way in keeping truck-crash attorneys' ethical practices under control. The Florida Bar has taken action against at least 34 attorneys across Florida who found that referrals were accepted from testimonial-based advertising sources.

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