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Tips For Raising Happy Kids - Happy Kid New

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Tips For Raising Happy Kids - Happy Kid New

Tips for raising happy kids It doesn't matter what we teach them if we haven't taught them to be happy, or parents can't be happy in a way that makes them feel happy, then it's all for naught, Is not it? So this is a very relevant question.


I am blessed to have two Happy Kids and two happy grandchildren. I applied some principles in raising my children and saw that my son and daughter-in-law applied their beloved daughters, Clara and Stina, to them only. In this article, I have shared two tips that I have learned along the way.


First is the importance of modeling pleasure. You have something you don't have. How can you teach children happiness if you do not have it? Some parents think that loving their family only means living for them, driving them everywhere, cleaning up after them, and putting their children's needs and desires ahead of them. Parenting should not turn us into short-order restaurants or cleaning or taxi service. It does this for some parents. Which teaches children a bad lesson.


Tips For Raising Happy Kids - Happy Kid New

A child who considers his parents as a servant, a person whose life is only through catering for his craze, learns to be selfish. He believes that other people exist to do his bidding. I have a friend who was raised that way, and she tells me that when she grew up, she felt strange, "Where are all the servants?

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Children who are raised in this way feel that the world is alive for them. So stepping out of "doormat" mode, if you're in one, is very central to giving your child a chance at a smooth transition to happy adulthood.


When you take care of yourself, take time for yourself, and do the things that make you happy, your child learns those behaviors from you. If she sees you going for your dreams and makes decisions based on your inner truth, then she knows it's good to do those things. 

Tips For Raising Happy Kids - Happy Kid New

On the other hand, if you give up everything to fulfill your latest command, she learns that upbringing means self-deprivation and oppression. Then she herself can become a self-paternal parent or go completely to other extremist and common parents because it looks like such a sacrifice.


Therefore, raise, be good for yourself. Treat yourself the same with respect and respect as you treat your child. Do not disrespect you more than you allow someone to be rude to your children. Take time for your creative desires and dreams. Plan every week (or day) in some scheduled personal time, and make sure you take it.


Let your children see that you are doing this, and tell them the reason: "Mummy needs to be a little fun," or "Moms need time every day to relax." It 

Tips For Raising Happy Kids - Happy Kid New

The second tip I have learned to raise Happy Kids is the tremendous value of focusing. The best form it can take is uninterrupted, one-on-one personal time with your child. Think about your own childhood and some of your happiest memories. Chances are they include the hike you took with Dad, or when you and Mom went to the restaurant for a dessert.

When we set aside an hour or two to be with our child, away from distractions and interruptions, we tell her that she is important and dear. When we cook dinner, it is more powerful than drawing attention to them, when we cook dinner, driving them somewhere, or breaking up conversations to take calls on our cell phones.


Children thrive on love, meditation, personal attention the way plants throw sunlight. Structure some meditation every day, even if it is only for five or ten minutes. See your child. When he talks to you, he knows that you are complete with him. In love, it is the subtle things that count.


Tips For Raising Happy Kids - Happy Kid New

Focusing provides an education of self-worth: Your child knows that he is valuable because you value him, enough to make time for you and him, uninterrupted by the world for those moments. It spells love, and when he knows that you love him, your actions, not your words, thereby the protection and fulfillment of the heart, the essential foundation of happiness.


In this busy world where parents do two things and where children's social calendars can rival those newborns, it is not easy to make time uninterrupted for themselves and their children to take care of themselves. But for happiness, nothing could be more important. Think about your schedule, what is the non-equal that you can cut, or the pointless moments you can finish. Use that chopped time to be good for you and your child. Your child's happiness, and yours, depends on it.


Want to know more tips for raising happy children? Subscribe to my newsletter and get my free e-book, "Raising Happy Kids." And also check out my exciting new "Go for your goals" for kids

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